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Abhishek Gupta (he/him)

AI Ethics Researcher, McGill University

Abhishek Gupta is a Prestige Scholar from McGill University with a degree in Computer Science
who is currently focused on researching how we can develop AI in an ethical manner. He has
been invited multiple times to the UN to share his work, most recently at the AI for Good Global
Summit in Geneva where he formed and led the Montreal delegation.
He’s the lead organizer of the AI Ethics group (https://meetup.com/Artificial-IntelligenceEthics/),
he’s been invited by the Montreal AI Symposium (http://montrealaisymposium.com/
and https://youtu.be/cdcKwefTT6M?t=2h42m12s ), TandemLaunch
(http://www.tandemlaunch.com/) , Centre Jacques Cartier
and World Forum AI (http://www.worldforum.ai/) to speak on
how we can come together as a research and applied community to address the ethical
challenges posed by the widespread deployment of AI.


Government and Artificial Intelligence

November 1, 2017  5:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Topics covered in the session will include: Ethics for research in AI and its applications to inform policy, understanding privacy and a shifting social contract, data governance and building secure systems, information vs. data vs. intelligence, rethinking intellectual property, and preventing an arms race. See more.
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